
There are three required core courses for all students in neuroscience Ph.D. programs.

Four elective courses:

Elective courses can be selected from any division at the University of Chicago – provided students are able to articulate how it aids their research. One of the elective courses MUST be related to quantitative analysis or computational neuroscience. See below for a list of sample elective courses.

Elective Neurobiology courses:

Computational Neuroscience courses:

Lab rotations:

Students are required to complete at least two lab rotations during their first year. Such rotations provide hands-on experience and help the students identify the best thesis research laboratory and advisor according to their specific research interests and mentoring needs.


The Biological Sciences Division (BSD) requires all graduate students to serve as a teaching assistant (TA) in two courses for academic credit (without pay) before their Ph.D. degree is awarded. Students particularly interested in teaching can TA for pay in additional courses, with the consent of their thesis advisor. These students are encouraged to pursue certificates and training opportunities offered by the Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning.